Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fluency Practice

One of the stories in our reading book was a "Newscast" written as a play. The students joined a group and assigned themselves parts. They did a great job working together reading with their best fluent voices.

Halloween Pumpkin Painting

Ayriona and Yessenia counted our candy corn jars from our Estimation Game. We had 4 jars with different amounts of candy corn and the closest guesses won. Haley had the closest guess to the largest jar and got to take them home. Alex and Yessenia also took home a jar.

Students got to estimate the height, weight and circumference of 5 different pumpkins. We learned pumpkins are a lot bigger around than we thought. The biggest pumpkin was 3 feet around!

Thanks to you parents who came to help your child paint pumpkins! We had lots of fun seeing how funny we could make our pumpkin faces.

Crystal Growing Experiment

In science we've been learning about how to use the Scientific Method to solve problems and make hypotheses about our experiements. We got to use microscopes to see how our salt crystals looked close up. We had no luck growing Sugar or Epsom Salt crystals, but we had great discussions as to why they didn't work and how we could change the experiment to make it work, all to no avail. But the salt crystals were way cool!

Mummy Wrap Up Contest

Here was a fun game the class enjoyed. Each group had a roll of toilet paper, two wrappers, and a "Mummy." The object was to wrap their "Mummy" up with before the other groups could use their entire roll up. It was lots of fun!
Dulce and Janet wrapped up Vanessa.
Jennifer and Yessenia wrapped up Denise.

Bernardo was wrapped up by Anthony and Levi.

Ayriona was wrapped by Veronica and Cheyenne.

Alex and Ben wrapped up Tommy.
Nathaniel was wrapped up by Alex and Robert.

AR Reading Time

We really do read in school! Check out how serious they all are! Isn't it great!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome to Third Grade!

Check out our class blog to see what great things our students are doing. We'll post class activities and accomplishments. Come back regularly to see what our class is up too!